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“This was a SOLID course! Thanks for putting it together. It was the advice I wish I had when I first started down this journey!”
John Reid | Reid Lending“This course was worth every penny. Everything I learned is being incorporated in to my loan brokerage immediately. The money I paid for this course was toilet-paper compared to the sheer amount of value I received!”
Robb Sullivan | RSV Funding“John's Masterclass was exactly what I needed. I had all the tools, but was missing direction and leadership. Now I am making 6 figures consistently with my business. ”
Edina Bonhoeffer | LNG Funding Inc.“Great course. If you want to fast track your brokerage, this is the course to take. Wonderful tactics and strategies that have help my company stay focused in the right directions. Glad to have met John. ”
Brenden Jonassaint | Vision Financial ServicesMeet some of our Partners